Leading with Purpose

About Course

Led by Dr Chris Dalton

Course Commences: Monday, 24th January 2023         Time commitment: 12 hours of content over 4 – 5 weeks

Seminar 1: Tuesday, 25th January 2023                           Seminar 2: Tuesday, 7th March 2023

Access ends: Monday, 6th June 2023

This course is an introduction to leading and leadership through the lens of purpose at several levels. Purpose is more than just a pressing question for the future; it is both anchored in the present and emergent over time. As recent world events and global trends have emphasised, knowing how to frame, express and live with purpose may be the defining feature of sustainability in business. Corporate life is messy, complex, and unpredictable, so Leading with Purpose will explore two critical questions: “What are we here to do?” and “Where do we go from here?”

£700 + VAT

So what is leading with purpose? 

Purpose is belief in what you are doing.

Locating, connecting with and maintaining that belief is one of the most challenging and important tasks in leadership. Peter Drucker once wrote, “there is only one valid definition of a business purpose: to create a customer” (Drucker, 1954, p. 37). But is this simple definition still true?

Leading with Purpose will form a bridge between what is and what could be. Purpose is concerned with an organisation’s future place in a wider system. This requires a proper understanding of the organisation’s core mandate, effective management of its business-as-usual processes, and care for its continuing viability, health and well-being.

This interactive course is about stepping into the unknown and finding novel ways of thinking about purpose with increased confidence, wisdom and judgment. In the second decade of the 21st century, we are learning about a set of challenges that no other business generation has had to face. Moving beyond managing only for economic growth, being purpose-led means re-examining what we do across a wide range of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) priorities. Now more than ever, companies, sectors and whole economies must change. Will this change bring a loss of focus? A loss of meaning? Loss of profits? Should success have a moral component?

This course – led by an experienced tutor who has written and researched extensively in this field – will introduce plenty of lively talking points around purpose and success. It will include practical perspectives that are backed by theory and informed by current thinking and, using real-world cases and examples, it will celebrate the diverse experience of the participants in the group. You will discuss, reflect on and apply what you are learning.

How the course is structured

We open and close with live (synchronous) and interactive seminars. In-between, as a participant you will work your way through the prepared content at your own pace.

There are four parts to the course, and these will include ideas for activities and reflections you can try, alongside a range of thought-provoking reading and viewing to fuel your exploration of the topic. Activities aim for new ideas which you can bring to the group in online discussions and Q&A, as well as to the second live seminar.

An additional opt-in reflective practice writing exercise can be submitted for informal feedback up to two weeks from the end of the course.

Materials Included

  • Live seminars and video instruction from leading academics
  • Thought provoking articles and case studies
    Critical theory and latest research
  • Guest speakers (video, on-demand) and interviews
  • Discussion and tasks (individual and collective)
  • Optional reflective writing exercise
    Networking opportunities